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Table 5 Detailed differences of focus groups (FG) and textual units (TU) in the categories and subcategories of milk and cheese consumption based on the Theory of planned behaviour (TPB) and identified between high and low consumers’ groups in relation to the themes of taste, pleasure and emotionsa

From: Salient beliefs among Canadian adults regarding milk and cheese consumption: a qualitative study based on the theory of planned behaviour

Dairy product

TPB categoriesb

TPB subcategories of beliefsc

High consumers

Low consumers


Enjoyable tastes

Only tastes good if cold

0 FG

3 FG

0 TU

3 TU

Socio-affective advantages


6 FG

3 FG

14 TU

7 TU


It’s comforting

5 FG

1 FG

7 TU

1 TU

Staple food

Indispensable food

3 FG

1 FG

6 TU

1 TU

Unpleasant organoleptic properties

Bad taste

3 FG

7 FG

4 TU

15 TU

Favourable food/drink combinations


5 FG

7 FG

10 TU

19 TU


Enjoyable tastes

Provides pleasure

7 FG

4 FG

12 TU

6 TU

Taste goes well with several foods

2 FG

4 FG

4 TU

6 TU

Increases the flavour of a food

2 FG

5 FG

2 TU

9 TU

Socio-cultural advantages

Special, elite food, once in a while or special occasions

3 FG

0 FG

5 TU

0 TU

Unpleasant organoleptic properties


5 FG

9 FG

15 TU

24 TU

Disadvantageous affective valued

Difficult to stop eating it

3 FG

2 FG

7 TU

2 TU

Increased confidence in the product

Direct contact with cheese maker and going to cheese stores

5 FG

1 FG

7 TU

1 TU

Unpleasant odours


2 FG

6 FG

4 TU

7 TU

  1. a1 FG means that one or several participant in the FG addressed the issue or expressed the belief; differences of at least two FG were retained for presentation - 1 TU refers to any mention by any participant in any FG of men or women; differences of twice the number of TU or more were retained for presentation
  2. bAll the TPB categories that emerge from this study are identified in Table 3
  3. cOnly TPB subcategories presenting a noteworthy difference in the number of FG or TU are indicated here
  4. dDisadvantageous affective value refers to all beliefs reported by participants associated with negative emotions felt during or after eating cheese (e.g. difficult to stop eating it)