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Table 2 Baseline characteristics of the participants

From: Randomised clinical trial: effect of low-FODMAP rye bread versus regular rye bread on the intestinal microbiota of irritable bowel syndrome patients: association with individual symptom variation

Females, n (%)

47 (94)

Age (years), mean (range)

43.9 (21–64)

BMI (kg/m2), mean (range)

25.6 (21–64)

IBS symptom severity score, mean (SD; range)

235 (77;80–430)

IBS-M, mixed subgroup, n (%)

29 (62.5)

IBS-D, diarrhoeal subgroup, n (%)

IBS-U, unspecified subgroup, n (%)

18 (32.5)

3 (5)