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Table 3 Examples of coding strategy

From: Older patients’ and their family caregivers’ perceptions of food, meals and nutritional care in the transition between hospital and home care: a qualitative study


Initial code


Overarching theme

‘It is dreadfully boring to eat alone. It really is!’ (P3)

Lonesome meals

Psychosocial needs related to food and meals

The need for a comprehensive approach to nutritional care

‘P: Frequently I don’t eat on Saturdays because I’m not fond of porridge. I: Is there no other alternatives? P: No, (on Saturdays) we only get porridge’. (P14)

Being served food she dislikes

Lack of consideration for individual needs

Non-individualised nutritional care at home

‘I’ve been sitting here waiting for them to turn up three evenings in a row, and now I am fed up’. (P2)

Tired of having to wait for home care to turn up

Respect my time!


‘A: She was standing there with her back towards me preparing the food. I asked her something and she didn’t reply. I am used to people responding, so I repeated the question. Then, she said, “I heard you the first time”. I then replied, would you please just give me a response’. (P13)

Not being heard

What about my opinion?

Lack of mutual comprehension and shared decision making

‘I: Can you remember the conversation with the nutritionists? P: No I can’t remember much, I wasn’t able to pay attention because I wasn’t feeling well’. (P9)

Getting a consultation when feeling too poor to pay attention.

It was so complicated I just gave up!


‘I called the home care services to tell them to admit my husband to a rehabilitation institution, because I was exhausted and couldn’t take it anymore. Or else, they would have to admit me as well’. (FC7)

Being exhausted from caring for her husband

Lack of support to the caregivers

The role of family caregivers