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Table 2 Dietary intake, hygiene and sanitation of the primary school students, Meket Woreda, April 2015 (n = 1091)

From: The relationship between school meals with thinness and stunting among primary school students, in Meket Wereda, Ethiopia: comparing schools with feeding and non-feeding program


SFP schools = 718

Non SFP schools = 373


Frequency of food intake at home per 24 h


16 (2.2)

21 (5.6)


  > 1times

702 (97.8)

352 (94.4)


Frequent diet the child take at home


592 (82.5)

120 (32.2)

< 0.001

 Shero, kik, meat, vegetable and milk

126 (17.5)

253 (67.8)


Source of drinking water


642 (89.4)

189 (50,7)

< 0.001

 Pipe/protected spring

76 (10.6)

184 (49.3)


Use latrine


416 (57.9)

340 (91.2)

< 0.001


302 (42.1)

33 (8.8)


The child wash his/her hands with soap before eating


222 (30.9)

54 (14.5)

< 0.001


496 (69.1)

319 (85.5)

  1. Shero Stew made from legume flour, kik Split legumes stew.