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Table 3 Diaries of participants in the TRE pilot studies 2018/19

From: Associations of time-restricted eating with health-related quality of life and sleep in adults: a secondary analysis of two pre-post pilot studies


University (n = 61)

GP (n = 38)

Total (n = 99)

Sleep duration, h M (SD)

7.4 (0.6)

7.4 (0.7)

7.4 (0.6)

Sleep quality, M (SD)

73.4 (14.0)

68.6 (15.0)

71.6 (14.5)

Time of first meal, M (SD)

10.4 (1.3)

10.4 (1.8)

10.4 (1.5)

Time of last meal, M (SD)

18.7 (1.0)1

18.0 (1.7)

18.5 (1.3)

Eating phase, h M (SD)

8.4 (0.9)2

7.7 (0.8)

8.1 (0.9)

Fasting phase, h M (SD)

15.6 (0.9)2

16.3 (0.8)

15.9 (0.9)

Fasting target reached, % M (SD)

72.0 (19.0)3

85.4 (15.2)

77.2 (18.7)

  1. NOTE. TRE Time-restricted eating, GP General practitioner, M Mean, SD Standard deviation, h Hours; significant values are bold; p-values of group differences
  2. 1 p = 0.019; 2 p = 0.001; 3 p < 0.001