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Table 3 Example menu day

From: Effect of a dietary and exercise intervention in women with overweight and obesity undergoing fertility treatments: protocol for a randomized controlled trial


Food Group Patterna

Example Menu Items


1 c-eq fruit

1 Medium Apple

2.8 oz.-eq grains

1 Blueberry Bagel

1 c-eq dairy

2 Low-fat Cream Cheese Wedges

1 oz.-eq nuts

1 Snack Pack Mixed Nuts


2.5 c-eq vegetables, 1.3 oz.-eq grains, and 5.5 g oilsb

Pesto Pasta with Sautéed Greens, Carrots, Tomato, and Zucchini Mixed Dish


4 oz.-eq protein


2.5 c-eq vegetables, 1.3 oz.-eq grains, and 5.5 g oilsb

Smoked Paprika Vegetables (sautéed broccoli, carrots, kale, and tomato), and Brown Rice Mixed Dish

13.5 g oils

1 TB Olive Oil


1 c-eq fruit

2 Clementines

0.6 oz.-eq grains

5 Multi-Grain Crackers

1.1 c-eq dairy

2 Light String Cheese Sticks

1 oz.-eq protein

3 Slices Deli Turkey Breast

  1. aEquivalents are obtained through NDSR and rounded to the nearest tenth
  2. bMixed dish equivalents are based on 7 randomly selected vegetarian line meals from the food vendor