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Fig. 2 | BMC Nutrition

Fig. 2

From: Is the proportion of per capita fat supply associated with the prevalence of overweight and obesity? an ecological analysis

Fig. 2

a Correlation between per capita fat supply (as a percentage of total calorie supply) and the prevalence of overweight among low-income countries. Afghanistan-AFG; Burkina Faso-BFA; Central African Republic-CAF; Chad-TCD; Ethiopia- ETH; Gambia-GMB; Guinea-GIN; Guinea Bissau-GNB; Haiti-HTI; Liberia-LBR; Madagascar-MDG; Malawi-MWI; Mali-MLI; Mozambique-MOZ; Niger-NER; North Korea-NER; Rwanda-RWA; Sierra Leone-SLE; Sudan-SDN; Tajikistan-TJK; Togo-TGO; Uganda-UGA; Yemen-YEM. b Correlation between per capita fat supply (as a percentage of total calorie supply) and prevalence of obesity among low-income countries. Afghanistan-AFG; Burkina Faso-BFA; Central African Republic-CAF; Chad-TCD; Ethiopia- ETH; Gambia-GMB; Guinea-GIN; Guinea Bissau-GNB; Haiti-HTI; Liberia-LBR; Madagascar-MDG; Malawi-MWI; Mali-MLI; Mozambique-MOZ; Niger-NER; North Korea-NER; Rwanda-RWA; Sierra Leone-SLE; Sudan-SDN; Tajikistan-TJK; Togo-TGO; Uganda-UGA; Yemen-YEM. c Correlation between per capita fat supply (as a percentage of total calorie supply) and prevalence of overweight among lower-middle-income countries. Algeria-DZA; Angola-AGO; Bangladesh-BGD; Benin-BEN; Bolivia-BOL; Cambodia-KHM; Cameroon-CMR; Cape Verde-CPV; Cote d'Ivoire-CIV; Djibouti-DJI; Egypt-EGY; El Salvador-SLV; Eswatini-SWZ; Ghana-GHA; Honduras-HND; India-IND; Kenya-KEN; Kiribati-KIR; Lao People's Democratic Republic-LAO; Lesotho-LSO; Mauritania-MRT; Mauritius-MUS; Pakistan-PAK; Sao Tome and Principe-STP; Sri Lanka-LKA; Zimbabwe-ZWE. d Correlation between per capita fat supply (as a percentage of total calorie supply) and prevalence of obesity among lower-middle-income countries. Algeria-DZA; Angola-AGO; Bangladesh-BGD; Benin-BEN; Bolivia-BOL; Cambodia-KHM; Cameroon-CMR; Cape Verde-CPV; Cote d'Ivoire-CIV; Djibouti-DJI; Egypt-EGY; El Salvador- SLV; Eswatini-SWZ; Ghana-GHA; Honduras-HND; India-IND; Kenya-KEN; Kiribati-KIR; Lao People's Democratic Republic-LAO; Lesotho-LSO; Mauritania-MRT; Mauritius-MUS; Pakistan-PAK; Sao Tome and Principe-STP; Sri Lanka-LKA; Zimbabwe-ZWE. e Correlation between per capita fat supply (as a percentage of total calorie supply) and prevalence of overweight among upper-middle-income countries. Albania-ALB; Argentina-ARG; Armenia-ARM; Azerbaijan-AZE; Belarus-BLR; Belize-BLZ; Bosnia and Herzegovina-BIH; Botswana-BWA; Brazil-BRA; Bulgaria-BGR; China-CHN; Colombia-COL; Costa Rica-CRI; Cuba-CUB; Dominica-DM; Dominican Republic-DOM; Ecuador-ECU; Fiji- FJI; Gabon-GAB; Georgia-GEO; Grenada-GRD; Guatemala-GTM; Peru-RER. f Correlation between per capita fat supply (as a percentage of total calorie supply) and prevalence of obesity among upper-middle-income countries. Albania-ALB; Argentina-ARG; Armenia-ARM; Azerbaijan-AZE; Belarus-BLR; Belize- BLZ; Bosnia and Herzegovina- BIH; Botswana- BWA; Brazil- BRA; Bulgaria- BGR; China- CHN; Colombia- COL; Costa Rica- CRI; Cuba- CUB; Dominica- DM; Dominican Republic- DOM; Ecuador- ECU; Fiji- FJI; Gabon- GAB; Georgia- GEO; Grenada- GRD; Guatemala- GTM; Peru- RER. g Correlation between per capita fat supply (as a percentage of total calorie supply) and prevalence of overweight among high-income countries. Antigua and Barbuda- ATG; Australia- AUS; Austria- AUT; Bahamas- BHS; Barbados- BRB; Belgium- BEL; Canada- CAN; Chile- CHL; Croatia- HRV; Cyprus- CYP; Denmark- DNK; Finland- FIN; France- FRA; Germany- DEU; Greece- GRC; Hungary- HUN; Iceland- ISL; Japan- JPN; New Zealand- GBR; Republic of Korea- KOR; United Kingdom- GBR. h Correlation between per capita fat supply (as a percentage of total calorie supply) and prevalence of obesity among high-income countries. Antigua and Barbuda- ATG; Australia- AUS; Austria- AUT; Bahamas- BHS; Barbados- BRB; Belgium- BEL; Canada- CAN; Chile- CHL; Croatia- HRV; Cyprus- CYP; Denmark- DNK; Finland- FIN; France- FRA; Germany- DEU; Greece- GRC; Hungary- HUN; Iceland- ISL; Japan- JPN; New Zealand- GBR; Republic of Korea- KOR; United Kingdom- GBR

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