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Table 1 Definition of OTC programme outcome indicators based on National IMAMGuidelines of 2016

From: Cure rate and associated factors for children 6–59 months with severe acute malnutrition under the out patient therapeutic care programme in the health centres of Kabale District in Southwestern Uganda: a cross sectional study

Outcome Indicator



Attained weight for height/length (WH/L) Z score > -2 SD or Normal mid upper arm circumference (MUAC) (> 125 mm) cut off for two consecutive visits

Non response

Not reached target weight or MUAC without aggravating conditions for 3 months on the program


Patients missing two consecutive visits while on the program


Patient died while on the program

Transfer/Referral to ITC

Static (WH/L) z-score or MUAC or weight loss for two consecutive visits or not responding to treatment

  1. Source: IMAM Guidelines for Uganda [10]