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Table 3 Comparison of mean level of serum albumin, TP and Hgb between well-nourished and malnourished by independent sample t-test among adult patients with cancer on treatment follow up at JMC, Jimma, Southwest Ethiopia (n = 176), 2021

From: Blood biomarkers as potential malnutrition screening alternatives among adult patients with cancer on treatment in oncology unit of jimma tertiary hospital: A cross-sectional analysis

Blood biomarkers

Total AC

Well-nourished (n = 68(38.6%))

Malnourished (n = 108 (61.4%))


Mean ± SD

Mean ± SD

Mean ± SD

Serum albumin(g/dl)

3.29 ± 0.67

3.71 ± 0.58

3.03 ± 0.58

0.000 *

TP (g/dl)

6.71 ± 0.99

7.01 ± 1.01

6.52 ± 0.94


Hgb (g/dl)

11.98 ± 2.18

13.26 ± 1.51



  1. Note: * statistically significant at p < 0.05; AC- adult cancer SD: Standard deviation.