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Table 2 Global overview of main interview questions (follow-up questions not shown)

From: Dutch nutrition and care professionals’ experiences with undernutrition awareness, monitoring, and treatment among community-dwelling older adults: a qualitative study

Topics and questions

Undernutrition awareness

 What role does nutrition play in the daily lives of older adults?

 What is the influence of previous eating habits and traditions on the current eating habits of older adults?

 How would you define adequate nutrition and undernutrition?

 To what extent are you and [people of the same profession] engaged in nutrition among older adults?

 What role does undernutrition play in the daily lives of older adults?

 To what extent are you and [people of the same profession] engaged in undernutrition among older adults?

Undernutrition monitoring

 How is the nutritional status of older adults currently being monitored?

 To what extent is the monitoring of undernutrition effective?

 What are risk groups for undernutrition among older adults?

Undernutrition treatment

 How is undernutrition among older adults currently being treated?

 To what extent is the current treatment of undernutrition effective?

 What are your experiences with medical nutrition for older adults?

 What are your experiences with home-delivered meals for older adults?

 How should we communicate with older adults about undernutrition?