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Table 2 Independent variables entered in binary logistic regression analysis based on dependent variable

From: Assessment of undernutrition using the composite index of anthropometric failure (CIAF) and its determinants: A cross-sectional study in the rural area of the Bogor District in Indonesia

Dependent Variable

Independent Variables

A. Nutritional Status based on Composite Index of Anthropometric Failure (CIAF)

 Anthropometric failure

Mother’s height, mother’s education, mother’s working status, child’s age, history of infectious diseases, early initiation of breastfeeding, frequency of consumption of energy sources, frequency of consumption of protein sources, cooking water source

B. Nutritional Status based on Conventional (Single) Anthropometric Index


Mother’s age, mother’s height, mother’s education, family income, child age, early initiation of breastfeeding, frequency of consumption of energy sources, frequency of consumption of protein sources, cooking water source, hand-washing habits


Mother’s height, mother’s education, mother’s working status, family income, parenting, child’s age, history of infectious diseases, early initiation of breastfeeding, frequency of consumption of energy sources, frequency of consumption of protein sources, cooking water source


Child’s age, history of infectious diseases, home’s relative humidity