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Table 3 Summary of major themes and key findings

From: Perceptions of the importance of sports nutrition knowledge and barriers in implementing them: a qualitative study among track and field stakeholders in Sri Lanka


Key findings

Theme 1: Importance of Food Habits

- Highlighting the significance of proper food habits for sports performance and overall well-being

- Emphasizing pre-training meals, a variety of foods including sandwiches, buns, bananas, and milk tea were highlighted

- Noting a lack of knowledge on portion sizes and timing before training

- Underscoring the importance of meals during and after training, with post-training meals predominantly starchy

- Recommending early post-training meals with both carbohydrates and proteins, as advised by coaches

Theme 2: Beliefs about Sports Supplements

- Reporting positive effects by some, while others expressed doubts about their efficacy

- Pointing out instances of adverse effects and improper usage

- Noting that many obtained supplements without proper medical advice

- Commonly mentioned supplements included whey protein, creatine, and pre-workout products

Theme 3: Opinions about Hydration

- Recognizing the importance of hydration for performance and recovery

- However, reported firsthand other experiences of dehydration during training and competition

- Identifying various strategies to overcome dehydration

- Using different methods such as urine colour and weight measurement to identify dehydration.

Theme 4: Perceptions about Other Habits

- The majority discouraged alcohol consumption, and smoking was universally rejected

- Nevertheless, alcohol consumption among elite athletes was not uncommon

- Emphasizing adequate sleep for recovery, despite reported poor sleeping habits

The additional Theme

- Attributing poor dietary habits to a lack of knowledge and practical difficulties

- Mentioning factors such as a lack of suitable places to eat, economic crises, and food insecurity as the barriers to getting an appropriate meal