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Table 1 Demographic classification of participants (n = 192)

From: Weight perceptions, weight management practices, and nutritional status of emerging adults living in the Accra Metropolis


Mean (SD)

n (%)

Age (years)

21.8 (2.2)





94 (49.0)



45 (23.4)



40 (20.8)



13 (6.8)




127 (66.1)

 Services/Sales workers


23 (12.0)



19 (9.9)

 Crafts and related trades workers


9 (4.7)

 Clerical support workers


3 (1.6)

 Elementary Occupation


1 (0.5)



5 (2.6)



5 (2.6)

Highest Qualification

 Senior high school


127 (66.1)

 Post-secondary schoolc


44 (22.9)

 Junior high school


21 (10.9)

  1. aAside from ‘student’, occupation of participants was categorized based on the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO) by the International Labour Organization (ILO) [21]
  2. bOther occupations reported were footballer and actor/actress
  3. cIncludes clerical, vocational, polytechnic and university institutes