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Table 1 Summary of the self-report questions used in the survey

From: Food choice patterns of long-haul truck drivers driving through Germany, a cross sectional study


Answer categories/−scales

age, weight, height

insert number





“Do you smoke?“


“How many consecutive nights on average do you not spend at home during a job?”

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, > 14

“Do you bring food with you on your trips?”


“If you bring food with you, what kind do you normally bring?”

multiple answers possible: soft drinks/energy drinks, juices/spritzers, water, self-prepared warm meal, warm ready-made meals, sandwiches, sausage, noodle/potato/meat salad, green salad, fruit, raw vegetables, chips/crackers/pretzel sticks, nuts, sweets, other

“Please indicate whether you eat the following foods more often at home or during work”, e.g. fried products, fresh vegetables, canned food, …

more often at work, same, more often at home, not at all

“How often do you visit fast food chains and/or snack stands during work/during leisure time?

never, rarely, sometimes, often, always

“How often do you normally eat a main meal from a service station/truck stop?”

never, rarely, sometimes, often, always

“If you eat meals from service stations/truck stops, which dish do you prefer?”

meat/sausage dish, fish dish, vegetarian dish, salad, sandwich, dessert/cookies

“How much alcohol do you drink on average per week?”

amount of beer (0.5 l)/wine (0.2 l)/schnaps (2 cl)

“Do you have a chronic illness diagnosed by a doctor?”

multiple answers possible: I do not have a chronic illness, Diabetes type 1, Diabetes type 2, high blood pressure, gastrointestinal illnesses, rheumatism, asthma, gout, chronic back pain, other (indicate)

“If you bring food with you, where do you eat it?”

multiple answers possible: In the truck during the trip; In the truck during breaks; At the service station/service area/truck stop (seating opportunity)

“Do you have the following appliances to store, prepare, or reheat food in the truck?”

multiple answers possible: refrigerator, kettle, coffee machine, gas cooker, microwave, I have none of these appliances