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Table 2 Levels of Household, Child Food Security and COVD-19 Infection by Bay Area Cohort

From: High food insecurity in Latinx families and associated COVID-19 infection in the Greater Bay Area, California


Telomeres at Birth (TAB)

Latinx, Eating and Diabetes (LEAD)

Hispanic, Eating and Nutrition (HEN)

% (N)

% (N)

% (N)

Mean ± SD

Mean ± SD

Mean ± SD

N = 200

N = 65

N = 111

Levels of Household Food Security

 Food Security Score, Mean ± SD

1.6 ± 2.7

3.3 ± −3.7

3.5 ± 3.6

 High Food Security (Food Secure)

60.0 (120)

29.2 (19)

34.2 (38)

 Marginal Food Security

13.5 (27)

24.6 (16)

16.2 (18)

 Low Food Security

20.5 (41)

33.9 (22)

31.5 (35)

 Very Low Food Security

6.0 (12)

12.3 (8)

18.0 (20)

Levels of Child Food Security

 High Food Security (Food Secure)

78.0 (156)

56.9 (37)

54.1 (60)

 Marginal Food Security

8.0 (16)

10.8 (7)

10.8 (12)

 Low Food Security

12.0 (24)

26.15 (17)

32.4 (36)

 Very Low Food Security

4 (2.0)

6.15 (4)

2.7 (3)

COVID Infection History

Positive test reported March-Sept 2020

7/200 (3.5%)

3/62 (4.8%)

8/111 (7.2%)

(95%CI; 1.7–7.2%)

(95%CI; 1.5–14.3%)

(95%CI; 3.6–13.9%)