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Table 6 Themes developed for coping strategies adapted by food in secured HHs in the district, 2020

From: Household food insecurity and coping strategies among rural households in Kedida Gamela District, Kembata-Tembaro zone, Southern Ethiopia: mixed-methods concurrent triangulation design

First Theme

Second Theme

Third Theme

Insurance strategies

Crisis Strategies

Distress Strategies

Rely on less preferred and less expensive foods.

Inter-household transfers of food &/or money

Taking out of loans from relatives

Reduction in number and frequencies of meal in a day

Reduces expenses on daily necessities

Seeking for wage or daily labor to rise income:

Cash for work,

Moving from agriculture and become daily laborer or

Involve on off-farm and pity trade activities

Taking loan or borrow money at high interest rate to buy food

Borrow and / or buy food on credit and rely on others help

Gathering wild foods or harvest immature/ unripe food/ crops

Eat seed for the next planting season

Sending household members children) to eat at friends’ or relative’s

Limiting the portion size at meal time restrict the number of meals eaten

Skipping meals or restrict consumption by adults to feed children

Going the whole days with little food

Depend on relief assistance

Rent/contract farm land

Sell of non-productive assets

Temporary/Seasonal migration search of wage employment

Eating too less amount and less nutritious or un edible meals

Sell of all live stocks and productive assets/equipment

Sell or mortgage of land

Children dropping out of school and sending them elsewhere to work and beg.

Go the entire day (the whole day and night) without eating

Permanent Migration

Complete dependence on aid

Engaged in begging to get food and resources