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Table 2 COM-B scale item mean scores and factor loading, with resulting mean domain scores distributions (n = 504)

From: Examining capabilities, opportunities, and motivations for healthy eating behaviors in Latin American restaurants: a quantitative application of the COM-B model to inform future interventions

COM-B Domain

Scale Item1

Item Score (mean ± SD)

Factor Loading in CFA

Domain Score (mean ± SD)

% with High Domain Scores2 n (%)

Capability-Psychological (Knowledge)3

When you think of healthy, or “good for you” dishes in Latin cuisines, what comes to mind?

3.02 ± 1.92


3.02 ± 1.92

224 (46.5%)

Capability-Physical (Skill)

It is easy to identify healthy options when visiting Latin restaurants

3.57 ± 0.92


3.57 ± 0.92

289 (57.1%)

Opportunity -Social (Social influences)

Most of my friends and family tend to order healthy options when visiting Latin restaurants

3.56 (0.87)


3.08 ± 0.64

52 (10.3%)

I expect to find healthy options when visiting Latin restaurants

3.14 (0.98)



Authentic Latin dishes are not really healthy.a

2.94 (1.03)



Opportunity-Physical (Environmental constraints)

Latin restaurants tend to offer a good variety of healthy and appealing choices

3.45 (0.95)


3.25 ± 0.62

79 (15.6%)

Healthier choices in Latin restaurants tend to be more expensive than other, less healthy choices. a

2.86 (1.06)



Latin restaurants tend to serve too much food. a

3.45 (0.95)



Motivation-Reflective (Self-efficacy, plans)

I am willing to try new healthier foods when eating at Latin restaurants

3.80 (0.96)


3.65 ± 0.62

189 (37.3%)

It is OK to indulge in foods that may not be healthy when eating at Latin restaurants

3.66 (0.94)



Ordering healthy choices at Latin restaurants will have a big positive impact in my overall health

3.62 (0.98)



I want to eat healthy dishes at Latin restaurants

3.53 (0.92)



Motivation-Automatic (Emotions, reinforcements)

Eating healthier choices at Latin restaurants makes me like feel I am restricting myself. a

3.01 (1.09)


3.29 ± 0.73

122 (24.1%)

I tend to feel good physically when I select lighter meals in Latin restaurants

3.58 (0.93)


  1. 1With the exception of psychological capability, all items scored based on responses to Likert-scale responses (1 = Strongly disagree; 2 = Disagree; 3 = Neither agree nor disagree; 4 = Agree; 5 = Strongly agree). Items marked with (a) denote reverse scoring, where disagreement was scored higher;
  2. 2Scores ≥ 4;
  3. 3Smaller sample size for psychological capability, n = 482