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Table 2 The objectives and educational content of the intervention sessions

From: Promoting dairy consumption behavior in the school setting: an experiment based on the transtheoretical model


General goals

Specific goals

(At the end of the curriculum, students can do the following:)

Teaching methods

Educational media

First session

1. Increasing students’ consciousness about the study

- Explain the purpose of the present study briefly.

- Participate actively during the study and receiving educational intervention.

1. Lecturing with the use of slides

2. Question and answer

3. Group discussion

Video projector, slides, whiteboard, and educational pamphlets

2. Raising students’ consciousness about the importance of dairy consumption

- Define the dairy group.

- Express the recommended daily amount (unit) of dairy products.

- Name the best food sources for the body’s calcium supply.

- Explain the role of dairy products in body health.

- Explain the role of dairy products in preventing osteoporosis.

Second session

1. Raising the consciousness level of students’ perceived benefits of consuming dairy products

- Explain the health benefits of dairy products.

- Name the positive effects of dairy consumption on bone growth and strength.

- Name the positive effects of dairy consumption on the growth and strength of teeth.

- State at least 4 benefits of milk and dairy consumption.

1. Lecturing with the use of slides

2. Question and answer

3. Group discussion

4. Brainstorming

Video projector, 



2. Recognizing individual and family barriers to dairy consumption

- Explain the perceived barriers to dairy consumption.

- Separate perceived individual, environmental, and family barriers.

3. Finding solutions to reduce perceived barriers to dairy consumption

- Explain the methods of overcoming individual barriers to dairy consumption.

- Describe the ways of overcoming family barriers to dairy consumption.

Third session

1. Raising students’ consciousness to increase their daily consumption of dairy products

- Express the importance of dairy consumption

- Express the positive results of dairy consumption.

1. Lecturing with the use of slides

2. Role playing

3. Group discussion

Video projector, 



2. Increase students’ emotional arousal about dairy consumption

Use methods that provoke emotional arousal in dairy consumption.

3. Recognizing the impact of students’ dairy consumption behavior on their living environment

Explain the impact of dairy consumption on their living environment.

4. Increasing students’ assumption of dairy consumption

Explain their assumption of dairy consumption.

5. Increasing students’ belief in their ability to consume dairy products and their commitment

Explain ways to increase commitment to dairy consumption.

6. Informing students to consume dairy products and replace it with undesirable nutritional behaviors

Explain ways to replace dairy consumption with undesirable nutritional behaviors.

7. Developing reinforcement and punishment in dairy consumption

- Explain the methods of strengthening dairy consumption.

- Explain the punitive methods in consuming dairy products.

8. Providing and creating guidelines for dairy consumption in students

Explain ways to create guidelines for dairy consumption.

9. Using social opportunities in dairy consumption

Take advantage of social opportunities in dairy consumption.

10. Increasing students’ knowledge of social norms that support dairy consumption

- Know the sources of support to increase dairy consumption.

- Use the support of family and teachers to increase dairy consumption.

Fourth Session

Increasing students’ perceived self-efficacy to increase daily dairy consumption

- Explain ways to improve perceived self-efficacy to increase dairy consumption.

- Reduce unpleasant feelings about dairy consumption and use verbal persuasion.

- Increase their daily dairy consumption.

- Use milk and dairy products for breakfast.

- Use milk and dairy products for snacks.

- Demonstrate this behavior by observing the behavior of successful people.

- Use practical guides such as pamphlets and booklets to increase self-efficacy for dairy consumption.

- Use booster messages to increase self-efficacy for dairy consumption.

1. Lecturing with the use of slides

2. Question and answer

3. Interviewing with a believable role model

Posters, educational pamphlets, slides