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Table 1 Cognitive semi-structured interview questions

From: Diet and bowel function in children with Hirschsprung’s disease: development and content validation of a patient-reported questionnaire

Comprehension and relevance


In your own words, can you explain what the question means to you? (open answer)


Do you find the question easy or hard to understand? (Easy/Hard)


Do you find the question easy or hard to answer? (Easy/Hard)


Do you find the question relevant to ask? (Yes/No)


Do you have any comments on the question?


Read each of the options for answers, and tell me what they mean to you?


What do you think about the options for answers?


Could you find your first-choice answer among the options for answers?


Were there any words that you found hard to understand?



What do you think about the form of questioning “you/your child”?


What does the term “bowel function” mean to you? Would you prefer another term? If yes, which term?


What does the term “psychological” (round 1)/”emotional” (round 2) mean to you? Would you prefer another term? If yes, which term?

Ovarall assessment


What do you think about the instructions to fill in the questionnaire?


How long did it take for you to fill in the questionnaire?


Do you have any other comments that could help us improve the instrument?