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Table 3 Dietary Intake of the Study Participants (n = 85)

From: Correlation between branched-chain amino acids intake and total lymphocyte count in head and neck cancer patients: a cross-sectional study



Energy intake, kcal/day

1505 (800–3040)†

Protein intake, g/dy

73.96 ± 23.39*

Non-protein calorie intake, kcal/day

1297.36 ± 384.66*

BCAA intake, g/day

10.92 ± 4.39*

Leucine intake, g/day

4.72 ± 1.94*

Isoleucine intake. g/day

2.95 ± 1.23*

Valine intake. g/day

3.25 ± 1.27*

  1. * mean ± SD
  2. † median (minimum-maximum)