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Table 2 Summary of foods considered taboos during pregnancy and reasons attached to them, Acholi subregion, Northern Uganda, 2022

From: The misbeliefs and food taboos during pregnancy and early infancy: a pitfall to attaining adequate maternal and child nutrition outcomes among the rural Acholi communities in Northern Uganda

Taboo foods

Reasons for the ban

Participants who mentioned the taboo foods and reasons


It causes the umbilical cord to tie around the neck of the fetus

Majority of Pregnant women and Health Care Providers

Chicken and chicken’s skin

It causes miscarriage and the skin chokes the fetus

Majority of the TBAs, Pregnant mothers and their spouses

Wild birds

Causes blindness to the fetus

Few pregnant women

Smoked meat and fish

Causes navel/umbilical cord infection

Majority of the pregnant mothers


Causes generalized fetal skin fissure

Majority of the pregnant mothers, TBAs, and VHTs

Garden egg (‘Tula’)

Skin inflamation to the fetus

Most of the TBAs


It causes whitish plasters onto the fetal baby

Majority of Pregnant women

Bush meat

Causes miscarriage

Most of the Rwodi and TBAs


It causes miscarriage; infertility in women; and body sores to the fetus

Most of the Rwodi and TBAs


It causes macrosomia

Few of the TBAs

Sour fruits or meals

Causes fetal skin rashes

Few of the TBAs

Goats meat

To show respect for the men

Few of the TBAs, Rwodi and Spouses of pregnant women

‘Lalaa’ (the bitter green leafy vegetable)

Causes erectile dysfunction (impotence) to the newborn child

Majority of the TBAs, Pregnant mothers and their spouses

‘Lamola’ (Hyptis spicigera) also known as the black sesame

Causes fetal blindness

Majority of the TBAs and Pregnant mothers

  1. Local names of taboo foods are presented in quotes