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Table 3 Summary of other taboos/misbeliefs during pregnancy and reasons attached to them, Acholi subregion, Northern Uganda, 2022

From: The misbeliefs and food taboos during pregnancy and early infancy: a pitfall to attaining adequate maternal and child nutrition outcomes among the rural Acholi communities in Northern Uganda

Misbeliefs/other taboos

Reasons attached to it

Participants who mentioned the misbelief/taboo and reasons

Anybody who killed a bird should not enter a house where a pregnant woman is lives

Causes fetal blindness

A few of the pregnant women

Pregnant women should not touch soil from graves

Causes miscarriage

A few of the pregnant women

Pregnant women are not allowed to shape or shave their hair (it makes the baby’s head bald)

It makes the baby’s head becomes bald

A few of the pregnant women

Pregnant women should not walk over anthills

It causes miscarriage, body and sore tongue

Majority of the TBAS, Spouses of the pregnant women and a few of the pregnant women

Pregnant women should not slaughter chicken or touch slaughtered chicken

It causes miscariage

Majority of the TBAs and pregnant women

Pregnant women should not have sex especially in the 3rd trimester

Causes the sperm to plaster onto the fetal body

Majority of the Pregnant women and their spouses

Pregnant women are not allowed to sit on animal’s hide or skin

Causes miscarriage

A few of the TBAs and Rwodi

Pregnant women are not allowed to touch needle

Causes miscarriage

Majority of the TBAs, Pregnant women and Rwodi

  1. Soil from graves denotes the soil particles piled out when digging out burial graves