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Table 4 HFIAS items of lactating mothers (n = 346) visiting public health facilities in Aksum, Tigray, Northern Ethiopia, June 2015

From: Dietary diversity and related factors among lactating women visiting public health facilities in Aksum town, Tigray, Northern Ethiopia

HFIAS 9 items

Number (percent)

Worried about running out of food

41 (11.8)

Lack of preferred food

42 (12.1)

The respondent or another adult had limited access to a variety of foods due to a lack of resources

38 (11.0)

Forced to eat un preferred food due to lack of resources

25 (7.2)

Eating smaller portions

32 (9.2)

Skipping meals

21 (6.1)

The household ran out of food

19 (5.5)

Going to sleep hungry

11 (3.2)

Going 24 h without food

4 (1.2)

Food security statusa

Food secure

252 (72.8)

Food insecure

94 (27.2)

  1. aThe HFIAS item frequencies sum up to more than 94 due to multiple response