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  1. Nutrition among people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) is essential in their care and management as it has implication for their immune function. We examined the nutritional status and associated factors among HI...

    Authors: Beauty Mawuenam Nanewortor, Farrukh Ishaque Saah, Prince Kubi Appiah, Hubert Amu and Kwaku Kissah-Korsah
    Citation: BMC Nutrition 2021 7:14
  2. Anemia is a global public health problem, particularly in developing countries. Assessing the geographic distributions and determinant factors is a key and crucial step in designing targeted prevention and int...

    Authors: Biruk Shalmeno Tusa, Sewnet Adem Kebede and Adisu Birhanu Weldesenbet
    Citation: BMC Nutrition 2021 7:18
  3. Although malnutrition particularly stunting is recognized as multi-causal, there has been limited integrated nutrition interventions to reduce its burden in children under-fives and those existing are not well...

    Authors: Ester Elisaria, Jackline Mrema, Tariki Bogale, Giulia Segafredo and Charles Festo
    Citation: BMC Nutrition 2021 7:17
  4. Technology has advanced bringing new cost-effective methods to measure food intake. The aim of the study was to compare food and drink portion estimates from a traditional portion estimation method using 3D fo...

    Authors: Jennifer Bradley, Maisie K. Rowland, John N. S. Matthews, Ashley J. Adamson and Suzanne Spence
    Citation: BMC Nutrition 2021 7:10
  5. Consuming diversified food during the adolescent period is essential to build a healthy and active mind for their later life. Food prices increased in the local market due to fewer production of crops. Thus, e...

    Authors: Melese Linger Endalifer, Gashaw Andargie, Bekri Mohammed and Bedilu Linger Endalifer
    Citation: BMC Nutrition 2021 7:27
  6. Adolescence is a particularly vulnerable stages of life in which malnutrition inhibits academic performance through poor growth and development, mental retardation, poor overall cognitive function and poor hea...

    Authors: Selamawit Woldeyohanes Katiso, Amene Abebe Kerbo and Samson Kastro Dake
    Citation: BMC Nutrition 2021 7:15
  7. Childhood undernutrition is a global problem contributing to more than a third of under-five mortality. Orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) fare worse than children living with their parents. However, the nu...

    Authors: Nina Berr, Yemisrach Nigatu and Nebiyu Dereje
    Citation: BMC Nutrition 2021 7:24
  8. Klotho is an anti-aging protein mainly expressed in the kidneys with a smaller amount expressed in adipose tissue. Klotho effects include roles in reducing oxidative stress, insulin signaling, adipogenesis and...

    Authors: Sofia Villagomez, Dena B. Dubal, Jessica Hawkins, Dan Wang and Janet M. Wojcicki
    Citation: BMC Nutrition 2021 7:22
  9. Interventions to reduce population salt intake are feasible and cost-effective. The Victorian Salt Reduction Partnership implemented a complex, multi-faceted salt reduction intervention between 2014 and 2020 i...

    Authors: Emalie Rosewarne, Wai-Kwan Chislett, Briar McKenzie, Jenny Reimers, Kellie-Ann Jolly, Kirstan Corben, Kathy Trieu and Jacqui Webster
    Citation: BMC Nutrition 2021 7:12
  10. The risk of malnutrition among elderly people is high and living alone increases the risk. As the number of older persons living alone is expected to increase due to the demographic development of an increasin...

    Authors: Ellen Kristine Frøyland Alne, Tove Øie, Malene Søiland and Kine Gjesdal
    Citation: BMC Nutrition 2021 7:8
  11. There are increasing data highlighting the effectiveness of vitamin D supplementation in the treatment of vitamin D deficiency. But individuals vary in their responsiveness to vitamin D supplementation. In thi...

    Authors: Elahe Allahyari, Parichehr Hanachi, Seyed Jamal Mirmoosavi, Gordon A.Ferns, Afsane Bahrami and Majid Ghayour-Mobarhan
    Citation: BMC Nutrition 2021 7:7
  12. Sickle cell disease (SCD) is an inherited blood disorder that predominantly affects individuals in sub-Saharan Africa. However, research that elucidates links between SCD pathophysiology and nutritional status...

    Authors: Eunice Berko Nartey, Jonathan Spector, Seth Adu-Afarwuah, Catherine L. Jones, Alan Jackson, Agartha Ohemeng, Rajiv Shah, Alice Koryo-Dabrah, Amma Benneh-Akwasi Kuma, Hyacinth I. Hyacinth and Matilda Steiner-Asiedu
    Citation: BMC Nutrition 2021 7:9
  13. Soy products are associated with many beneficial health consequences, but their effects on the human intestinal microbiome are poorly characterized.

    Authors: Evangelos Dioletis, Ricardo S. Paiva, Eleanna Kaffe, Eric R. Secor, Theresa R. Weiss, Maxine R. Fields, Xinshou Ouyang and Ather Ali
    Citation: BMC Nutrition 2021 7:6
  14. Performing a randomized controlled trial (RCT) in the field of nutrition is challenging and success highly depends on understanding the factors that influence recruitment and dropout of participants. Our aim w...

    Authors: Vera IJmker-Hemink, Nora Lize, Sandra Beijer, Natasja Raijmakers, Geert Wanten and Manon van den Berg
    Citation: BMC Nutrition 2021 7:4
  15. An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via the original article.

    Authors: Edward Jonathan Okello, Nuno Mendonça, Blossom Stephan, Graciela Muniz-Terrera, Keith Wesnes and Mario Siervo
    Citation: BMC Nutrition 2021 7:5

    The original article was published in BMC Nutrition 2020 6:57

  16. One newly proposed approach to determining eligibility of children aged 6–59 months for therapeutic feeding programs (TFPs) is to use mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) < 115 mm, bilateral oedema or Weight-for...

    Authors: Benjamin Guesdon, Alexia Couture, Elise Lesieur and Oleg Bilukha
    Citation: BMC Nutrition 2021 7:3
  17. In northern Nigeria, UNICEF has supported introduction of a short message service (SMS) system for data transmission in the Community-based Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) programme. The SMS system ope...

    Authors: Veronica Tuffrey, Cora Mezger, Simeon Nanama, Assaye Bulti, Gloria Olisenekwu, Charles Umar, Emma Jones and Esther Namukasa
    Citation: BMC Nutrition 2021 7:2
  18. The displacement of traditional dietary practices is associated with negative nutritional consequences for rural Indigenous people, who already face the brunt of both nutritional inadequacies and excesses. Tra...

    Authors: Ana Deaconu, Geneviève Mercille and Malek Batal
    Citation: BMC Nutrition 2021 7:1
  19. Vitamin D is essential for health and its shortage exacerbates overall mortality. Health care workers (HCWs) need to educate on its uses and sources although studies indicate their low level of practice. The m...

    Authors: Wubegzier Mekonnen, Yeweyenhareg Feleke, Yakob Desalegn, Getahun Tarekegne, Biruk Lambisso, Jemal Haidar and Tewabech Zewede
    Citation: BMC Nutrition 2020 6:77
  20. Implementation fidelity which is defined as the degree to which programmes are implemented as intended is one of the factors that affect programme outcome, thus requiring careful examination. This study aims t...

    Authors: Roselyter Monchari Riang’a, Anne Kisaka Nangulu and Jacqueline E. W. Broerse
    Citation: BMC Nutrition 2020 6:78
  21. Therapeutic fasting may improve health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and sleep but is not applicable for everyone. Time-restricted eating (TRE) offers a low threshold alternative but research on associations...

    Authors: Dorothea Kesztyüs, Monika Fuchs, Petra Cermak and Tibor Kesztyüs
    Citation: BMC Nutrition 2020 6:76
  22. Suboptimal feeding practices have a negative impact on children’s health and growth in the first 2 years of life and increase their risk of undernutrition, morbidity, and mortality. The aim of the study was to...

    Authors: Shabina Ariff, Kamran Saddiq, Javairia Khalid, Laila Sikanderali, Batha Tariq, Fariha Shaheen, Gul Nawaz, Atif Habib and Sajid Bashir Soofi
    Citation: BMC Nutrition 2020 6:75
  23. We evaluated whether diet quality is a predictor of weight loss and reduced diabetes risk, independent of caloric intake in the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) cohort, a randomized clinical trial of adults a...

    Authors: Benjamin T. Allaire, Ashley H. Tjaden, Elizabeth M. Venditti, John W. Apolzan, Dana Dabelea, Linda M. Delahanty, Sharon L. Edelstein, Mary A. Hoskin, Karla A. Temple, Judith Wylie-Rosett and Lindsay M. Jaacks
    Citation: BMC Nutrition 2020 6:74
  24. Undernutrition in childhood is an important factor that greatly impedes the achievement of full human potential at adulthood. Despite increased enrolment of pupils in primary schools in developing countries, s...

    Authors: Samuel Elolu and Duncan Ongeng
    Citation: BMC Nutrition 2020 6:73
  25. Prebiotics, defined as a substrate that is selectively utilized by host microorganisms conferring a health benefit, present a potential option to optimize gut microbiome health. Elucidating the relationship be...

    Authors: Jason R. Bush and Michelle J. Alfa
    Citation: BMC Nutrition 2020 6:72
  26. Maternal iodine deficiency is one of the common causes of morbidity and mortality during pregnancy. Maternal iodine deficiency during pregnancy is associated with a number of adverse outcomes such as abortion,...

    Authors: Trevor Kaile, Bornwell Sikateyo, Masauso M. Phiri and Charles Michelo
    Citation: BMC Nutrition 2020 6:71
  27. Researchers have sought to explain the black-white coronary heart disease (CHD) mortality disparity that increased from near parity to ~ 30% between 1980 and 2010. Contributing factors include cardiovascular d...

    Authors: Luanne R. DeChristopher, Brandon J. Auerbach and Katherine L. Tucker
    Citation: BMC Nutrition 2020 6:70
  28. Humans have a long history of consuming fermented foods. However, their prevalence in human diets remains largely undetermined, and there is a lack of validated dietary assessment tools assessing the intake of...

    Authors: Katherine J. Li, Elske M. Brouwer-Brolsma, Kathryn J. Burton, Guy Vergères and Edith J. M. Feskens
    Citation: BMC Nutrition 2020 6:69
  29. Complementary feeding is critical for optimal nutrition in infants and young children as it ensures their growth, health and development to attain their full potential. However, evidence shows that children fr...

    Authors: Kingsley Appiah Bimpong, Ernest Kaa-Emabong Cheyuo, Alhassan Abdul-Mumin, Martin A. Ayanore, Clement K. Kubuga and Victor Mogre
    Citation: BMC Nutrition 2020 6:67
  30. Registered dietitians working in team-based primary care settings (e.g., family health teams [FHTs]) are positioned to counsel on physical activity and sedentary behaviour when providing nutrition-related serv...

    Authors: Jessica Huntington, John J. M. Dwyer, Sara Shama and Paula Brauer
    Citation: BMC Nutrition 2020 6:66
  31. Suboptimal diet is the leading cause of global morbidity and mortality. Addressing this problem requires context-specific solutions informed by context-specific data collected by context-specific tools. This s...

    Authors: J. Renzella, S. Fernando, B. Kalupahana, N. Townsend, M. Rayner, K. Wickramasinghe, P. Katulanda and P. Scarborough
    Citation: BMC Nutrition 2020 6:68
  32. Coeliac disease (CD) is an immune-mediated enteropathy against dietary gluten. The treatment for CD is a strict life-long gluten-free (GF) diet, which has a profound effect on a person’s life. In recent years,...

    Authors: Lisa Garnweidner-Holme, Karla Sende, Monica Hellmann, Christine Henriksen, Knut E. A. Lundin, Mari C. W. Myhrstad and Vibeke H. Telle-Hansen
    Citation: BMC Nutrition 2020 6:65
  33. Sri Lanka faces the double burden of over- and undernutrition. To tackle this dual challenge, double duty interventions that improve the quality of the Sri Lankan diet in line with national dietary guidelines ...

    Authors: J. Renzella, S. Fernando, B. Kalupahana, P. Scarborough, M. Rayner and N. Townsend
    Citation: BMC Nutrition 2020 6:64
  34. Few studies have explored the relationship between food habits and the risk of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) in women from India. We aimed to investigate the associations of food habits and the risk of GDM.

    Authors: R. Deepa, Melissa Glenda Lewis, Onno C. P. Van Schayck and Giridhara R. Babu
    Citation: BMC Nutrition 2020 6:63
  35. Polyphenol intake assessment is a first step for evaluating relationships between polyphenols and health-related outcomes. Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region is one of the minority areas in China, which is primaril...

    Authors: Qinghan Gao, Xiao Yuan, Jianjun Yang and Xueyan Fu
    Citation: BMC Nutrition 2020 6:58
  36. Primary health care data have shown that most patients who were treated for overweight or obesity by a dietitian did not accomplish the recommended treatment period. It is hypothesised that a slow rate of weig...

    Authors: Lisa D. M. Verberne, Chantal J. Leemrijse, Markus M. J. Nielen and Roland D. Friele
    Citation: BMC Nutrition 2020 6:62
  37. Ensuring the quality of anthropometry data is paramount for getting accurate estimates of malnutrition prevalence among children aged 6–59 months in humanitarian and refugee settings. Previous reports based on...

    Authors: Oleg Bilukha, Alexia Couture, Kelly McCain and Eva Leidman
    Citation: BMC Nutrition 2020 6:60
  38. Eating behaviour of older adults is influenced by a complex interaction of determinants. Understanding the determinants of a specific target group is important when developing targeted health-promoting strateg...

    Authors: Andrea Johanna Bukman, Amber Ronteltap and Mila Lebrun
    Citation: BMC Nutrition 2020 6:55
  39. Micronutrient deficiencies affect many children in low-income settings due primarily to over-reliance on complementary foods low in nutrients. Home-fortification (HF) could improve children’s diet quality in t...

    Authors: Frank Kyei-Arthur, Ruth Situma, Jevaise Aballo, Abraham B. Mahama, Lilian Selenje, Esi Amoaful and Seth Adu-Afarwuah
    Citation: BMC Nutrition 2020 6:50
  40. There are indications that an increased intake of calcium has a vitamin D sparing effect, which might be explained by a decreased catabolism of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D). However, there are only a few stud...

    Authors: Rolf Jorde and Guri Grimnes
    Citation: BMC Nutrition 2020 6:49
  41. Consumption of nutritionally adequate complementary foods is essential for optimal growth and development of infants and toddlers, including those in developing countries. The aim of this study was to describe...

    Authors: Emma F. Jacquier, Imelda Angeles-Agdeppa, Yvonne M. Lenighan, Marvin B. Toledo and Mario V. Capanzana
    Citation: BMC Nutrition 2020 6:51
  42. The world-wide adoption of Western lifestyles and eating patterns is associated with adverse effects on nutrient intakes. Here we evaluated the relationships between timing of meals and diet quality in Serbia,...

    Authors: Zora Djuric, Marina Nikolic, Milica Zekovic, Melissa Plegue and Marija Glibetic
    Citation: BMC Nutrition 2020 6:45
  43. Increasing trends in global obesity have been attributed to a nutrition transition where healthy foods are replaced by ultra-processed foods. It remains unknown if this nutrition transition has occurred in Ven...

    Authors: Dina Goodman, Juan P. González-Rivas, Lindsay M. Jaacks, Maritza Duran, María Inés Marulanda, Eunice Ugel, Josiemer Mattei, Jorge E. Chavarro and Ramfis Nieto-Martinez
    Citation: BMC Nutrition 2020 6:61
  44. There is no clinical trial that assesses the effect synbiotic supplementation on HRQOL in CF children. Considering the importance of HRQOL as an essential primary outcome and determinant of therapeutic benefit...

    Authors: Nemat Bilan, Effat Marefat, Leila Nikniaz, Mahdieh Abbasalizad Farhangi and Zeinab Nikniaz
    Citation: BMC Nutrition 2020 6:44
  45. A number of studies have indicated a beneficial effect of tea consumption on the reduction of risk of cognitive impairment and dementia in older aged populations. However, there is a paucity of data on these a...

    Authors: Edward Jonathan Okello, Nuno Mendonça, Blossom Stephan, Graciela Muniz-Terrera, Keith Wesnes and Mario Siervo
    Citation: BMC Nutrition 2020 6:57

    The Correction to this article has been published in BMC Nutrition 2021 7:5

  46. Burundi has one of the poorest child health outcomes in the world. With an acute malnutrition rate of 5% and a chronic malnutrition rate of 56%, under five death is 78 per 1000 live births and 47 children for ...

    Authors: Emmanuel Nene Odjidja, Sonia Hakizimana, Ghislaine Gatasi, Jean-Berchmans Masabo, Gildas Irakoze, Heritier Muzungu, Honorine Murorunkwere, Leila Raissa Ngabirano, Mahmoud Elkasabi and Barbora De Courten
    Citation: BMC Nutrition 2020 6:42

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